Friday, August 12, 2011

Is it rude to refuse to let a male friend stay in your hotel room after a night out?

My ex and I recently started chatting again. We agreed to try and be friends and he came down to see me (about 40 mins drive away). I presumed he was in the same city so was surprised when he told me he'd travelled to see me. I was then aware that maybe he had feelings for me (I never had feelings for him and stayed hoping feelings might grow). Later that evening it became obvious he had been hoping for us to get back together so I dropped VERY big hints that I was not interested in anything more than friendship and was kinda uptight then rest of the evening. Anyway towards the end of the evening we'd had a few drinks and he said he wanted to go back, I said I wanted to stay out but then he told me he'd left his keys in my hotel. This was no accident and I was annoyed but said nothing. Then he wouldnt leave my hotel room. Getting angry saying he was took drunk to drive home and wanted to sleep on the seatee. Now if he's without a car I'd have agreed but he had his car he could have slept in that (I have done so myself it's not too bad), also he could have paid for a hotel room (like I had done) or made alternative arrangements. The main reasons for not letting him stay was he was very angry and very drunk and also because I thought he'd most likely want sex. I just wanted the room to myself as I didnt feel safe. Was it mean to tell him he could not crash in my room? He sent me abusive texts the next day and has vowed never to speak to me again

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