Friday, August 12, 2011

Is my marriage even worth saving (Please, I need honest opinions)?

I've been married for 2.5 years but I feel as though my marriage has run its course. I think I've come to the point where I just don't like my wife anymore. We've been together 6 years and the first couple were great, until I really got to know her. She's very possessive, bossy, has a temper, and don't even get me started on her jealously issues. She wants to be right about everything, even things that don't matter and takes everything too seriously and I'm tired of it. If I'm away for 5 minutes, she calls me non-stop and almost never has anything nice to say to me. She has 5 children, none of the dads are around, and I take care of all of them. I work hard, so she was stay home and be a "house wife" expect, I do all the cooking, cleaning, and yard work. You think I ever get any appreciation from my wife? No, but that's not the biggest problem. I have a 3 year old daughter and my wife completely refuses to accept her. We were dating at that time, and we had broken up for about 3 months. I ended up hooking up with my ex girlfriend and she got pregnant. It was completely unintentional, but I vowed to be a father to my child. My wife was furious for no reason. I get that I got someone else pregnant, but its not like I was cheating or anything. I can accept her 5 kids, but she can't accept my 1? I can't even bring my kid over here because my wife will have a fit, so I have to stay weekends at my mom's house so I can spend time with my own flesh and blood. I admit, I treat my daughter differently than the rest of the kids, but I really can't help it. I honestly don't know why I married her anymore, why I'm still here. Maybe its for the kids, but I know I don't have to put up with this. I've begged her to go to counseling or just sit down and talk to me countless times, but in her mind, nothing is wrong and she won't listen to me. Its like she doesn't care. I'm so drained from this that I feel like I can't even function.

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