Saturday, August 6, 2011

How do I trust God again?

I grew up in a good home, both of my parents are still together, i was an only child, and no major catastrophe's happened to me as a child. When i was in the eighth grade, my christian friends pushed me away, and my other friends began to experiment with drugs and alcohol. I didn't get involved. Until ninth grade, i got so lonely and depressed because i didn't fit in, i cut myself. Two girls from church found out and made me tell my mom. She didn't care, though. She just told me it was stupid, and never said anything else about it. This was around November. I held strong until February, when i got involved with a senior. He was too forceful and rough, and controlling. I'd rather not go into what happened, he never hurt me or anything though. I broke up with him, but that guilty feeling along with the fear of him never went away. I started telling lies, to try to get people to care and understand that I was hurting. Nobody did though. So the lies got worse. I got involved in drinking, and drifted farther away from God. By summer, they were outrageous. It was unbelievable, and i felt so guilty about it. I went to a christian summer camp, and vowed to change my ways. I did, for a couple of months. Tenth grade came, i started failing all my classes. I quit caring. I cut again. I drank again. The lies started again. I knew it was wrong. I just couldn't resist. Nobody from church could help me, i was embarrassed to admit what i was going through. I was scared that I'd get put into a mental asylum for cutting. I couldn't bare to look into my parents eyes, because they saw their wonderful daughter of whom they were so proud. But all I saw was a failure. January, i finally told the truth about all the lies. I figured, if I'm honest, maybe, just maybe, I'll be forgiven. It'll be okay. So I told the truth to the friends who I had lied to. I cried all night that night, I cut again. I didn't see any way out of this mess. I felt like i was at rock bottom. I was considering suicide that night, because I felt so alone. I turned away from God. My friend knew i was falling apart, and despite the fact that I had lied to him for months, made me promise not to kill myself. I did. After that night, I didn't hear from him for about six months. Then, this summer, i stole tequila from my cousin. I had it hidden in my room, and didn't drink it. I went back to this same summer camp, and actually got it. I made amends with my friend who i had lied to. I got closer with my friends from church, and made some real christian connections. My friend insisted I tell a minister or a minister's wife about what I had done, but I can't bring myself to do it. I don't trust adults after my mom didn't care when I had cut, and I don't trust God. I don't like to admit that, and I want that to change, but I don't know how. Someone, please, help me? And don't say "This is a stupid situation, just do it" or "why would you consider suicide or cut yourself". I already feel guilty enough. I know i was in the wrong, and I'm trying to change my life from this. I poured out the alcohol, and told my cousin i took it. I'm only sixteen, and I don't know where to go from here. Any tips?

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