Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I'm planning on getting a sheltie and have a few questions!?

I own a 12 year old sheltie that I have had since he was a tiny pup. In my experience, shelties don't really chase stuff. We have a cat, a rabbit and a ferret and he is very peaceful with all of them. I've never had ducks or chickens, but generally herding dogs aren't bad about chasing down or hurting other animals. They may herd, but the just try to make the animals (or kids) go where they want them to go or stay off the road or whatever. I have heard some shelties are nippy, but my dog has never nipped at anyone or anything. We had small kids when our dog was a young adult and he was really good with them. Shelties do have a lot of coat and need regular brushing- once a day is good - at least a couple times a week is necessary. Some people get them shaved down for the summer, but I have never taken mine to be groomed- I just brush him and clip nails now and then. Shelties need a lot of exercise- I would not recommend one unless you have pretty good sized fenced yard and are willing to commit to walking or other regular exercise. Without enough exercise, they are going to be too hyper. They are a smart breed and easy to housebreak and train. Expenses vary depending on where you live but figure at least 3 vet visits for puppy shots. Honestly, you will spend a few to several hundred dollars the first year on the vet, plus food, toys, crate and bed, brush and nail clippers( teach him very young to get used to being brushed and having nails clipped). And that assumes no real problems. Dogs are expensive and you need credit or a little put back in case of unexpected emergencies.

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