Monday, August 8, 2011

Why Is It So Difficult For Most People To Make Money In MLM Or Network Marketing?

95-97% of people fail to make any sort of income yet alone sustainable income that they can live off of. They may have a few commissions here and there, but it’s few and far between and not even enough to pay for a pizza at the end of the month in most cases. In spite of the fact that these people break their asses, going above and beyond everything they’ve been told to do. They invest in training, advertising, lead programs and other products that have supposedly been designed to help them succeed. Over time their viewpoint goes from assuming success as an optimist to assuming failure as a pessimist. Being as how they’ve tried so many different things and invested so much time and effort only to end up not getting a return on that investment. Their goal is to make money and they end up losing more than they are making especially if they aren’t making anything. These people often become angry, bitter and resentful toward humanity in general for not enabling them to succeed and enjoy the good life they were promised they were going to be living when they got into the industry. They start to think friends, family members, neighbors, associates, community leaders etc are conspiring against them so that they don’t succeed and receive a “reality check” thus abandoning this “non sense” of pursuing financial independence and go back to “working a real job.” but for many of these aspiring network marketers that isn’t an option as “real jobs” are in short supply these days it’s more of a privilege to have a job in this economy than a given right like it used to be. Failure simply isn’t an option but for so many becomes a painful reality.

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