Friday, August 12, 2011

Not a hate soapbox: Watching a movie called Tommy Boy...?

The scene I am at is a wedding scene. A non-secular person is officiating the wedding but at the conclusion of the vows the priest says "By the power vested in me by the state of ______ I now pronounce you man and wife"...that's where I got a little confused. Throughout history a select few groups of individuals had the traditional right to conduct a legitimate marriage. Why would a RC or Anglican minister require the permission of a secular institution to perform a religious tradition?

In-laws never include me in anything?

I have been married for 3 years and from day one my in-laws have never included me in anything. My husband is in the military and we live 4 hours away from them and every time we go home they always offer to take him out to eat and go shopping with him and i'm left alone. Im also 4 months pregnant and his mother thinks she is gonna take my baby to go visit her family in another country and when I tell her no she gets all mad and defensive. They are renewing their vows and having a huge ceremony this weekend and I am not in it at all. My husband is walking down the aisle with his sister and cousins and I have to sit just like everyone else. I also have to drive myself to the church and the reception while my husband and everyone else in their family gets to ride in a limo. His mom also told me and my hubby 2 months ago that she was gonna buy my dress and that we were gonna go this past weekend to make sure it was gonna fit since my belly is growing now, and she never did. Didn't mention it at all. So I had to charge it on my credit card. All of the girls are also getting their hair and nails done that day and I know shes not gonna say anything to me about it. I'm having their first grandchild in December and I feel like such an outsider. They speak mostly spanish and I know alot of it but they will talk about me in front of them as if I don't know what they are saying and it really upsets me. My husband knows how I feel and agrees with me but hes a freaking mommas boy and god forbid he ever tell her shes wrong. My parents are also invited but I dont even want them to go because I know they will just be ignored the whole time like I am. I really don't even want to go anymore.

Real Estate Question (Appraisal) ?

Could the seller's market affect how much property would be worth? Could an appraiser set a higher price on a house based on if demand is greater than supply? I'm studying real estate.

!Coupons! !Target back to school!?

Yeah and if you go look at the CIC, the stores allowing those people to redeem that many coupons are breaking the conditions of the coupons.

Is there scientific bias which brings a willingness to lie to support theory?

Everytime a new revelation of fraud comes out in science- Facts of Lucy, Nebraska man, and even on global warming- do those who look to people have a harder time looking to scientific theory as fact? Scientists once taught the earth was flat and the center of the universe. It once taught that monkeys were directly in our evolutionary chain- till it no longer made sense that they didn't evolve within our chain of time. What will you continue to believe in the ever-changing theories of science?

Please read this poem I'd love some feedback: thinking about writing a book on my life.?

Wow... Can't say I enjoyed that "poem". It would be suitable book material though. I am sorry to hear of your difficult life, sounds sad.

Seaside fairground reception. my sister is not happy...?

Tell her she can choose when it's her wedding. I'm far more traditional than you, but what you're doing sounds fab, and very personal. Enjoy the day.

I need help finding the title of a movie I watched several months ago.?

The couple was driving under a stoplight turning red and he made a wish that changed his life. His girl no longer knew him so he had to go to the newspaper where she worked and make her love him again.At the end of the movie they did finally get back together, it shows him waking up at their vow-renewal ceremony so everything turned out okay. Thanks for your help..

How do you think your willingness to listen score could impact your interpersonal relationships?

It depends.... You really shouldn't listen too much anyways. People love to take advantage. Just be yourself. =]

Who puts the most pressure on girls and women to be thin/attractive?

I would think it's other women. Women are catty and there have been so many times I've been around other women and they talk about how fat other women are. Personally, I think there's more important things going on in the world than to sit around wasting my time and energy talking bad about other people. When I was younger about 15 or so I would hardly eat, I would starve myself just so I could be skinny like everyone else. After about 18 years old I really gave that up and started not to care what anyone else thinks of me.

Sexual relationship with teacher ended after i fell pregnant?

Well you both are adult, but I dont know about your rules in school. Maybe he can be laid off from work, I dont know.

Any suggestions on how to include marriage equality in our vows?

I went to a wedding recently where it was said "Marriage is between one man and one woman" and it really irked me. We're a heterosexual couple but we're all for equal rights for homosexuals and believe they have the right to get married too. I want to add something saying that marriage is not just for one man and one woman. Anyone have any good ideas on how to say something like that?

I don't know what to do in this situation?

Attitudes to student-teacher relationships have hardened over the past 15 years. Experts argue that even consensual sexual affairs where both parties are over 18 could still constitute harassment in a relationship where there is such a disparity in power.Always ! Always hope for the best.......

Writing our own vows-any advice? I have a million ideas but am having trouble organizing them:)?

write it from the heart. Tak about when u "knew" ur fiance was the one. Things u do together, What u love about them. The longer it is the more ur fiance will enjoy it but the more bored ur guests will be

Conflict between my children and my partner?

I have had an on and off relationship with a man I fell hopelessly in love with and still love but he lives nearly 300 miles away so the distance doesn't help. After 23 years I left my ex-husband for this man and he left his wife. Both of us were unhappy for a number of years and whilst his ex-wife who I get on with well remains friends with him my ex still feels animosity towards me despite living with his new partner a year after we separated. I thought our partnership would improve once he met someone but in fact it got worse as his new partner didn't want anything to do with his boys so he had very little contact with them despite my trying to be Friends for the children's sake. They were 11 and 13 when we separated so there should have been some willingness to put aside our differences in order to fully support our children. Whether this has affected the children who are now 17 and 19 and made them blame me for the break-up although youngest has said he understands why I left his Dad. My eldest is at university, youngest at college. They want their Mum to be happy but my eldest in particular doesn't like my partner and feels he doesn't make me happy. My unhappiness is there because I feel like piggy in the middle. They don't want to share even a small part of their lives with their Mum when he is around even as far as having dinner together or watching the TV/DVD....They are so out of character.It's not all about the children as I don't ever feel confident that my partner is making much effort with the boys and wants my sole attention. I've tried to explain to the boys and have success with everything else in my life as we are very close and they always say I'm not just Mum but a good friend. They feel he is boring and too old for me. He is ten years older and whilst he doesn't look it he will act older than me and is probably at a different stage of his life. In my heart I want to be with him but my mind tells me that whilst he says he accepts the children he openly says he wants me and that makes me wonder if we can ever be a family unit. His daughters are 9 years older than mine and so have left home. I still feel that until the youngest is at University in another years time that I have responsibilities and can't throw away 17 years of love and support to up sticks, find a new job and live with my partner. He is willing to move and live with me but whilst there is this tension especially when oldest at home I find it difficult to find happiness. I have finished with him so many times and now feel I should let him go and allow him to find someone that ideally hasn't got other commitments such as children/young adults. I know they're not children but they still need support, emotionally and financially. They're Dad has only started to make a small effort with his boys since the eldest went off to University but weeks can go by without any contact and its mainly the boys who contact him. I can't see an end to all of this and its making me ill. Although I'm very sad and tearful when we finish the turmoil I feel in having to choose between my boys and partner diminishes big time but I feel so lonely and sad and keep looking back at the good times i.e. when I spent weekends with him at his place and holidays. Equally on two occasions when he was probably unsure of our relationship he went out with his next door neighbour and another woman. both of these relationships went on for three months or so despite him contacting me when he had only just started seeing them and telling me he loved me. Those were painful times and have also affected the way I feel and think.. It wasn't nice when we got back together but he hadn't quite timed it right with the other women. I felt like it was me he was having the affair with. Whilst I forgive him I can't forget especially when flirting with them in front of me before he went out with them, the eye contact yet that wasn't with me any longer. Any advice would be so appreciated.

Xbox 360 flashed 3 red lights?

Its a bit too late you did everything that you could but unfortunately... your xbox 360 has the Red Rin of Death(doctor monologue) haha get a ps3 you will enjoy it much more in my opinion

Can I use two different power connectors on my graphics card?

I recently purchased a Sapphire ATI Radeon HD 6790, I am currently using the two 4 pin molex to 6 pin connectors that were provided to power the card. My power supply already has one 6 pin connector so can I use one 4 pin molex to 6 pin and the 6 pin from the power supply?

Is Harold Camping right after all?

It's certainly unusual to see the US media ridiculing a televangelist. They have to feel pretty sure of themselves (and public opinion) to do that.

Does the world realize they can bring America to it's knees?

what if Mexico blitzkrieged four southern states with infantry/armor divisions and air planes. and germany and italy simultaneously attacked all the US bases in their countries and arab nations cut off oil supply to the US? It wont happen because those countries are spineless puppets to the US but im just saying. A thought.

Serious question: Why aren't Christians more trusting than they are?

I have a sort of code I live by, which is basically that I would rather be killed than live in a world where I am afraid to help someone in need. So far, it hasn't killed me in nearly 5 decades. Like today, I picked up a stranger that was walking down the Interstate between St Louis and Memphis with a gas can... he had walked about 3 miles of the 5 miles to the next exit without an offer of help. I'm not trying to say it makes me better, or Christians worse, it's just an example. I know a lot of Christians would be afraid to stop, and I guess that might be reasonable, but shouldn't trust in Jesus and willingness to help a fellow human in need override that fear a little more often than it seems to do? As a Christian, how do you usually justify passing them by?

What do you think of this fraternal religion for my Occult series?

It will probably sell well. It certainly sounds derivative and insipid enough to appeal to the mainstream. If you wanted to write something brilliant you would have to do something imaginative or difficult like actually doing some research. What would be the point of that? Just so you could tell the story about what the Templars really found in the city of Harran, which is now nearly completely buried by the sands? Why would you want to tell anyone about the Templar chapel which had a floor made of black basalt inlaid with a shining silver symbol? Who would care that it has a twin in the Mosque facing it? Who would be curious about why the two shared the city in peace with each other? Such mysteries would not interest the fools who will read your story - so why waste the effort?

Is it rude to refuse to let a male friend stay in your hotel room after a night out?

My ex and I recently started chatting again. We agreed to try and be friends and he came down to see me (about 40 mins drive away). I presumed he was in the same city so was surprised when he told me he'd travelled to see me. I was then aware that maybe he had feelings for me (I never had feelings for him and stayed hoping feelings might grow). Later that evening it became obvious he had been hoping for us to get back together so I dropped VERY big hints that I was not interested in anything more than friendship and was kinda uptight then rest of the evening. Anyway towards the end of the evening we'd had a few drinks and he said he wanted to go back, I said I wanted to stay out but then he told me he'd left his keys in my hotel. This was no accident and I was annoyed but said nothing. Then he wouldnt leave my hotel room. Getting angry saying he was took drunk to drive home and wanted to sleep on the seatee. Now if he's without a car I'd have agreed but he had his car he could have slept in that (I have done so myself it's not too bad), also he could have paid for a hotel room (like I had done) or made alternative arrangements. The main reasons for not letting him stay was he was very angry and very drunk and also because I thought he'd most likely want sex. I just wanted the room to myself as I didnt feel safe. Was it mean to tell him he could not crash in my room? He sent me abusive texts the next day and has vowed never to speak to me again

Help, husband wants a divorce after 23 years for stupid reason?

We have been married for over 23 years and have 2 adult children. He is asking for a divorce so can try things sexually that I have refused before he gets too old to even have sex. That is the reason he is giving me which is just stupid. Nothing else is really wrong in our marriage we get along great and have a fairly active sex life (have sex a few times a week). He even told me that wants the divorce to be as amicable as possible and would feel horrible if we at least could not remain friends. His reasoning is that its better to divorce and do this then cheat on me and break his vows. So says be better if we were to divorce and then he can explore the things that I have turned down all of these years sexually. They are nothing real extreme like as in not BD or SM stuff. He swears not using this as some sort of threat to get me to do something I do not want to do. That is why thinks it best to divorce rather then cheat or keep asking since its obvious never going to happen with me. Its not that he brings the subject up all the time that's why it shocked me that has said this now. In fact last time he even asked for one of these things was months ago. Rather then avoiding the question that you might have its oral and anal that he has asked for since we gotten married. Like said he does not ask all the time but I have told him that will not do either. He has done oral on me and says he enjoys it so does it fairly often. I just think its disgusting as is anal that's why have always said no. Still am in shock that he is willing to just throw away all these years for something so silly. Like said we talk every day, tell each other we love each other daily, hold hands when out and many other romantic things. I love him with all my heart and he says that loves me as much as well.

Building Gaming PC - Is this a good build?

For the most part, that is very good. I suggest you get an i7 processor instead of an i5, since you will get better performance. I would get a 1000 W power supply, just in case you decide to get that second graphics card. 8 GB of RAM is good for gaming.

In an earlier question, people asked me to do the research for them... about Jesus being Historic?

Actually Jesus the man and prophet did exist. He was recorded in many places at various times. Other characters in the Bible are not so lucky. Sorting fact from fiction is often too tedious for the believers, so they tend to allow the inconsistencies so as not to have to work at their faith. Meanwhile the non believers will not find any truth unless it is presented from other sources.

Interview Question After the Interview?

It's a neutral sign to let you know that you're still under consideration. They mentioned your knowledge and willingness to take on a "tough assignment" but they didn't mention anything about your experience. I think in their minds they thought you were a strong candidate but might be searching for someone with more specific experience with similar assignments. If they don't find someone with more experience with similar "tough" assignments then they might come back to you for an offer. At least they personally offered "please feel free to stay in touch." They didn't close the door on you - so if this job doesn't pan out- it sounds like they'd like to keep you on file for another opportunity there that might be a perfect fit for you.

Is my marriage even worth saving (Please, I need honest opinions)?

I've been married for 2.5 years but I feel as though my marriage has run its course. I think I've come to the point where I just don't like my wife anymore. We've been together 6 years and the first couple were great, until I really got to know her. She's very possessive, bossy, has a temper, and don't even get me started on her jealously issues. She wants to be right about everything, even things that don't matter and takes everything too seriously and I'm tired of it. If I'm away for 5 minutes, she calls me non-stop and almost never has anything nice to say to me. She has 5 children, none of the dads are around, and I take care of all of them. I work hard, so she was stay home and be a "house wife" expect, I do all the cooking, cleaning, and yard work. You think I ever get any appreciation from my wife? No, but that's not the biggest problem. I have a 3 year old daughter and my wife completely refuses to accept her. We were dating at that time, and we had broken up for about 3 months. I ended up hooking up with my ex girlfriend and she got pregnant. It was completely unintentional, but I vowed to be a father to my child. My wife was furious for no reason. I get that I got someone else pregnant, but its not like I was cheating or anything. I can accept her 5 kids, but she can't accept my 1? I can't even bring my kid over here because my wife will have a fit, so I have to stay weekends at my mom's house so I can spend time with my own flesh and blood. I admit, I treat my daughter differently than the rest of the kids, but I really can't help it. I honestly don't know why I married her anymore, why I'm still here. Maybe its for the kids, but I know I don't have to put up with this. I've begged her to go to counseling or just sit down and talk to me countless times, but in her mind, nothing is wrong and she won't listen to me. Its like she doesn't care. I'm so drained from this that I feel like I can't even function.

What can cause no power to hp 530 laptop?

I have gone as far as replacing the power supply, battery, and even the power supply input jack on the motherboard its self. The unit will not charge or show that it has been plugged in. It will run with a fresh battery. Anyone have any ideas?

What should the title of my story be?

maybe call it "Eventually." since the boy and girl were destined to be together eventually even after having been apart for years since the drowning incident. I don't know, sometimes single words are good titles.

Can i download minecraft with mod already installed?

No, you can't. There's no way to get Minecraft with mods already installed because it's not distributed in an "installed" format.

I also want to open a store if the restruant doesn't work out and need help in the hidden costs?

I would like to open a restuant called Big B's and if it doesn't prove feasible then i would like to open a store called the Bargain's. I want to know every single cost thats going to affect me, from buying stuff, to paying for tvs, cable bills, phone bills, patents, insurance, security cameras, a secuirty staff, the cost of lightbulbs, the cost of running lights, employee costs, supplies, computors, air conditioning, heating, water bills for bathrooms and overhead and hidden costs and startup costs, after all that i want to know how theres room for a profit? Also do i have to adjust for theft? Thanks and no hurtful or mean comments please!

Do you believe we all have one true soul mate?

I agree with everything you said. I think two people can be really attracted to each other, but we don't each have ONE person in the world.

I'm not sure I love my girlfriend as much anymore?

The last thing you want her to do is quit her career, but at the same time... She has to be balanced. Make more time for you. If you feel she is worth it, then find the best solution in which will make you both happy. Even if that requires more time for you. Have her take time off from the band and you two take off somewhere. If the sparks are still there then so is the love. If you feel nothing and empty after spending alone time with her, then the love has faded beyond repair. Love can be defined as many things and one of those things are "action". Actions such as sacrifice or doing things together that made you two fall in love in the first place. If she can sacrifice some things in order to love, you might see or feel something more. If you dont feel it will improve or work, you can move on knowing you gave it a try. She can move on and keep this as a lesson to learn from.

Im not sexually attracted to my husband anymore?

I take my wedding vows very seriously,and I don't want to walk away from my marriage but Im just not sexually attracted to my husband anymore,anyone else in this situation? What do I do to fix this? any suggestions would be helpfull.SERIOUS REPLYS ONLY PLEASE

What's a good cheap portable piano keyboard to take to college?

I have been looking at either the Casio Premium Keyboard Pack with Power Supply (CTK4000 PPK ) or Yamaha 61-Key Personal Keyboard Bundle (YPT220) because they are supper cheap. So, does anyone have any suggestions? Like which one sounds better or might be easier to lug around the campus?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Do you think Obama made a tough stand today?

I felt the President did a good job. He signaled his willingness to remove unnecessary regulations and gave Republicans a choice: end taxes for millionaires, billionaires, and oil companies or we'll have to deny grants for college. I think he made it clear that the debt ceiling must be raised but there must be major spending cuts in return. What do you think? Sensible answers only please.

Freezer paper stencil brush?

Okay, I went to get my supplies for freezer paper stenciling, but I forgot the reccomended brush- a sponge brush. Can I use a regular new dish sponge in lieu of a sponge brush?

Getting married without wedding rings?? Your thoughts?

My girlfriend and I are planning to elope this summer, marry in secret without the knowledge of family and friends. Neither of us have a lot of money, and wearing rings would probably give rise to suspicion from others. I know my girlfriend really wants a ring, and so do I. But it almost seems best to never get them. Should our vows be enough to symbolize our love and lifelong commitment to eachother? Is it weird that we don't have rings, even if we want them? I just don't want to short-change our day, and am afraid not having rings will make it less meaningful. Not only that, members of the opposite sex will think we're single. Your thoughts?

Could I abruptly discontinue a low-dose SSRI? How long would the effects of the medication linger?

When it comes to anti-depressants, my reservations could fill a novel. But my options are running out and a doctor I have been seeing seems to indicate that I'd really benefit from one, going as far as writing me a prescription. Now, much of my willingness to go through with taking an antidepressant stems on the ability to quit the moment any adverse effects are noticed, and because it's only a 10mg dose, my doctor has assured me that I can do that. Now, I hear that it takes several weeks for this drug (an SSRI, I think its Zoloft) to start working, but if I were to discontinue it, how much longer would it take to flush these effects out of my system, another three weeks?

Looking for New World of Warcraft players?

Looking for a world of warcraft player that has a new account that want to level fast using the Recruit a Friend system. looking to level a few characters. i can supply the person with a level 25 guild and gold.

Do tampons hurt when you insert them ? Girls Only !?

Ok so I'm only twelve and I've already had my period a few times before but I've only used pads.The problem is is that I swim a lot and my family and I love going to the beach and waterparks and all that. What ruins the whole thing is the period. My mom vowed never to let me use tampons till I was way older but changed her mind because of how I much I loved going into swimming etc. She now wants me to use tampons. I'm really scared that it will hurt after all you have to insert it in well you know and that kinda creeps me out. Help ?

Mother's husband won't comply...?

Why is it that when the husband get's ill...the wife does'nt complain while she's taking care of him and his needs and doing all possible things so that he returns to good health and well being...and then when the wife has an unexpected mis-hap that causes her to go to the hospital and unfortuanately have to have surgery, then when she's released to go home...she has to have after care(home bound),her husband seems to be resentful of having to take care of her? he's always complaining about administering her med's or having to massage her legs and feet because of her swelling. He feels that her daughter should be coming by and doing the things that he should be doing as a husband should do. On top of that...this man is a Pastor, what is the real problem here? does it still stand within the marriage vows that you are joined together for better or worse? and in sickness and health? a good wholesome honest reply will do.

Do we unconsciously wish to die?

I agree with nolas4life and yes that's something real deep for instincts which I'll call a way of classification that can be of many types. In this case i agree to the fact that the death instinct can be related to subconscious thinking and life to conscious. Because consciously we want to live and nurture ourselves and subconsciously our body is ceasing towards death hence those instincts that arose does not have a deeper meaning in ones life. Being sympathic can be related to our living instinct, but again still for me it's a vague classification.

I am a manga-style artist and I want to make some money!?

I am 13, yeah, maybe now you think that I am too small, but I have talent and determination. I can work hard and so on. I mainly do shoujo manga series. I want to know how can I make some moeny with my drawings, because I really need money for my hobbies. I want a scanner and maybe a pen tablet and many manga series and other stuff, like art supplies. Yeah, I want a lot of things, but that's it, so does somebody want to ,,hire'' me in drawing a manga or doujinshi for fun? No, I don't want a lot of money per page if it's for fun! ^.^ I am waiting your answers! Thanks!!!

Is it silly to say no sex before marriage when your not a virgin?

I had sex and haven't been married but now I'm sick of being used for sex and want to take out a no sex before marriage vow? Is it too late?

I need an online school supply list for online courses?

i just need a list of helpful things and essential things for my upcoming full time online courses. they are high school courses. notebooks? flashcards? help much appreciated . thank you!

What does it mean when a couple Renew Wedding Vows?

It doesn't mean anything. Wedding vows do not expire where they need to be renewed. (Ecclesiastes 5:4, 5; Matthew 5:37) Still, some people do it to show that if they could do it all over again, they would pick the same person. However, they would be better off and save a lot of money if they just told each other that privately one evening.

In an earlier question, people asked me to do the research for them... about Jesus being Historic?

Actually Jesus the man and prophet did exist. He was recorded in many places at various times. Other characters in the Bible are not so lucky. Sorting fact from fiction is often too tedious for the believers, so they tend to allow the inconsistencies so as not to have to work at their faith. Meanwhile the non believers will not find any truth unless it is presented from other sources.

Do you think Machu Pichu could be a cover for Eldorado?

New discoveries show that the entire hill is built up with retaining walls and drain systems,It makes Sense,the gold mine has never been found that supplied Pizarro with his ransom,I think it could be the city of gold Esteban told of.

Plz help idk wat to do?

so every year on the first day of school my mom make me bring only a pen and paper she say incase the teachers has a personal list and she doesnt have to return or by more stuff i would ask my teachers but idk until the first day who they are its embarrassing no supplies on the first day what to do??

Whats wrong with my period?

i used the bathroom and i saw this blood clot so i put on a pad and when i looked in it it was just this lil brown spot but my period felt like it was coming on but it hasn't yet so i took the pad off and now i got a light brown discharge its not sticky or nothing should i be worried but i almost had sex once because they guy broke my wall but that was it and the doctor said im still a virgin because he didn't go in im relieved cus i vowed not to have sex till marriage it was peer pressure but should i be worried he used a condom and it didnt break

How to have safe sex 100%?

if your maning up with the condoms she should with the pill or other female protectants plus get regular std checks even if your with only her and her the same two diffrent body fluids can sometimes cause an infection even if you both clean

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Are my husband and I being selfish?

My husband and I got married back in 2009 and didn't tell anyone. So anyway we were going to renew our vows in front of all our family and friends, but due to the extreme drama with my family and the lack of happiness in his family we are finding it increasingly hard to include them in our wedding plans. We are very happy and this is an exciting event we'd like to have and so we are considering once again it just being us in Hawaii or somewhere beautiful reading our vows to each other. Is that selfish or are we right to want to treasure these peaceful moments together? I love my family, but in between the bickering and petty lying I am relieved to have my husband and our relationship in such peacefulness.

Should I have sex with my boyfriend? 10 Points!?

So I've been with this guy for almost one year (known him for 5 years) and we've made vows to each other to be together always (sounds corny but hey, that's love!) but we've been talking about having sex and all and it's my 1st time =\ (he's lost it with his ex and has only done it with her) so all I'm asking is, should I give it up? I really love this guy and I'm considering in spending the rest of my life with him but the thought of losing something I've kept for 20 years kinda makes me feel sad in a sense (yes, I'm a virgin, all those who oppose, gtfo, i've heard enough rude comments as it is). So any advice? Please don't say "it's up to me", I just need an opinion, try and put yourself in my shoes type of thing =] all ignorant and childish comments.....yea, you're gonna get a thumbs down and a gtfo troll comment =P

Where Can I find Some Harajuku Lovers Graphic tees and School Supplies?

Yes I love Harajuku lovers! I just want to know where in some stores can I find some School Supplies or Graphic tees! Please this would really help me alot! thnx can u please name them down at the bottom? :) thanx again!

How can I put this story in my own words?

You already have. Also, only the first paragraph really answers the question of what the Huck-Jim relationship was like. Your thoughts are very disorganized. Try rewriting and reorganizing to show better evidence.

My 8-year old desk top has a virus..what can I do?

download free trials of anti-virus software. its just as good as having the full version but these usually last 30 days or so

The girl i like has "commitment issues"?? good or bad?

i had commitment issues. i never stayed with a guy for more than a month or two and was always getting bored within a few days. it was always the thrill of the chase, for me. then i met my current boyfriend and fell hard. we've been together for almost two years and i've never looked at another man the way i look at him. maybe you'll be that guy for her? best of luck.

Can i use Sapphire Radeon HD 4750 with 400W power supply?

NO, you can't it requires minimum of 450W of a good quality power supply like Corsair,Xigmatek,Tagan,Coolermaster,Seas… If you run it on a cheap power supply then it'll shorten your GPU lifespan or it may not even work.

How's this for fair? (nba salary cap)?

Players would still make more money ,Even if they were paid less playing for a big market team!A player playing for a big market team gets the big endorsements that a player would not get playing for a small market team !So really nothing would change............

Does high white blood counts and low vitamin d levels mean something?

Hello I need help with my question so I have tons of things goin on I looked up a disesase called parathyroid and I have a lot of those symptoms I am slight anemic and my head hurts on and off n sometimes severe I'm lightheaded at times I have mood swings and I feel sick to all the time plus my bones schedule a lot all ova but mainly my hand and legs plus my muscles ache a lot as well I been feeling really tired lately my sleeping has picked up a lot lately they told my iron was a little low and that my white blood count was elevated and that my my vitamin d was little to none I mean they have me on a three month supply of vitamin d vitamins but I guess what I wanted to ask was would a blood count indicate that there would be sumthing wrong with my thyroid is there a way to get my thyroid checked to be sure and clear I mean I kno I'm not pregnant cause they would of told me that I already have a kid so I kno the symptoms for that. Plus not tryna put my bussiness out there but my sex drive has like decreased I really just don't be up to it my chest burns a lot and she told me that I had a heartburn promblem I mean she didn't say herd but she did say to some over the counter anti inflammantants my asthma has been flaring up a lot here lately and I have bronchitis someone please help me out what should I do i don't know were to start.

Is it just me, or is the entire planet?

NWO wants to make so that there is no place to hide. No overseas bank shore bank accounts, no running away from the law etc. There is internet in remote tribes in South America and with invasive technology secrecy will be a thing of the past. Everyone will know everyones background information and criminal records. Big brother is here!

How come it happens to me?

I have this tingaling inside me. urging to u no, do it whenever i see boys. i have been the quiet one and the joked about one at school for too long. when i moved i vowed to change all of that and open myself to the world. i need help. i am lost in the modern world. sometimes i wish that i could be raped so my parents couldn't blame me and i would have been through the urge. Please, i need help. What's wrong with me?!

Opinions please??????

Its really good. Theres only, like, one spot that doesnt seem to flow that good. But yeah, i love it.

Why does Eric Holder keep pushing for terror trials in civilian courts?

Perhaps he doesn't want to adhere to the old adage "Inter Arma Silent Leges." Perhaps he wants Due Process during war, not just during peacetime. Perhaps he thinks it is high time for our laws to be consistent, and not use war as an excuse for inconsistency.

I this a good grabber sentence/paragraph?

That's good. I would just correct it to: Many individuals have attempted to start a union for farm works. The only one to succeed, however, was Cesar Chavez.

Have you been around a man who claims to be anti-rape, how does he stacks up on this list and do you agree?

See, a good rape, from a skillful, experienced rapist, would drive much of this poison from the minds of most feminists.

What are 8th grade school supplies and for what subject ?

First of all I want to be validictorian and I will do anything to accomplish it. I go to school 3 and they don't send us a list. I want to be very organized!

In the upcoming Ameican Revolution which will pit working class America against the big banks and the Tea?

fact is there is not enough money to pay back the banks making us slaves to the banks asking them to inflate the money supply

Friendship - False friendship - what makes a true friendship?

Jesus speaks how a true friend can express what he feels. According to Jesus, one way someone can express his friendship is through his willingness to give up something valuable to him for the one he regards as a true friend. However, it is also so important for us to understand that it is possible that a friend can put us in danger. Some may see this as a contradiction. But it is not. Why? Apostle Paul tells us in his letter to the Corinthians: “In my many travels I have been in danger from floods and from robbers, in danger from fellow Jews and from Gentiles; there have been dangers in the cities, dangers in the wilds, dangers on the high seas, and dangers from false friends” (II Cor. 11:26, Today’s English Version).

Is it going to be Romney vs. Pawlenty for the Nod?

Mitch Daniels is out. What do you think? I still think John Huntsman Jr. would be the strongest candidate against Obama because he appeals to more moderate independent voters and he has shown his willingness to be bipartisan in working for the Obama administration.

I know what to do, but I can't do it?

You are needlessly torturing yourself with this. It's easy. Next time you see her -smile at her. You could also just say "Hi !". You don't need to do or say another thing. This way she will know you are trying to talk to her. If she says something back to you - that is a good time to say something like "I'm super-shy." At that point she should "get the picture" and maybe she will want to talk with you and help you open up. Many women find shy guys to be really charming. Being shy is a much better way to meet someone than being to bold and pushy. Smiling and saying HI should start the ball rolling. Try not to look away when you do this. Good luck. Things will work out for you.

How would I include paganism into a wedding?

have a word with the registry office and ask them how they conduct a pagan wedding first. i think it's a lovely idea by the way. more true to out ancient beliefs than christianity.

What does a Laffer Curve look like in a perfectly elastic/inelastic economy?

In micro economics, when the aggregate demand is perfectly inelastic at 10 cars, and the aggregate supply is set a $5, what does the Laffer curve look like for this graph?

What's happening to my milk supply?

My baby will be 3 weeks old tomorrow and is exclusively breastfed. My milk came in 6 days after the birth and I was having no problems producing milk, my baby was eating good and producing enough wet and dirty diapers. My breasts were so full I had to pump in between feedings while my baby was sleeping to relieve my sore breasts. Over the past 30 hours or my baby has been wanting to constantly eat and has been very gassy. I tried pumping to make sure she was getting enough and I could barely get 2 oz when before I had no problem filling a 4 oz bottle and having plenty more left over. A little while after pumping I tried feeding her and I could tell she wasn't getting anything. I just tried pumping again and hardly got 1 oz, most of which was hand expressed because the pump just wasn't doing it. I don't understand what's happening as I feed on demand and I had no problems with my milk supply just 2 days ago. Is there anything I can do to get it back to where it was? Is this normal? What can I do? I'm so lost :(

Theists: Why do you believe in god?

I believe in a higher power/God...whatever you want to call "him." Accept I like the Taoist concept. Taoists are considered atheist but believe in a higher power they call the Tao (meaning the way). It is God from an agnostic approach. They says the Tao is beyond any & all concept. To speak of the tao is not the tao. To write about the tao is not the tao & to see the tao is not seeing all that the tao actually is. It is God undefined & can't be put in a box, like other concepts. I think of science similar to "characteristic attributes" to God. Like we are happy, sad etc. Science I think is like that with God.

Which one of the following services should not be performed by a home inspector?

I don't mean to come off as being a jerk, but if this is a test your taking then how well of an inspector will you be if you don't know these answers.

Is this laptop good? Feedback?

Dude, you have chose is the best.Alienware gaming systems is the best i know.. i have purchased a gaming laptop 3 years back and i have no complaints yet! your configuration looks superb and i see this can support very high end further doubts. Go ahead! thanks !@Sara

I cant find the brand of my bike?

i just bought a bike and i cant figure out the brand. The sellers said its german,and it has "Mountain" on the sides and "buffalo" on the front. What brand is it? Id be grateful if u found out,and maybe supply a picture to check if its the one i have. Another thing is: next to 1 handle,its says "gripshift max" and its the thingy which changes the speed of the bike(from 1 to 7),but next to the other handle theres another thingy which says grip shift max and it has 1,2 and 3. What does that do?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

If the "End Times" really did happen,would you..........?

Put loads of money on the electricity/gas meter,go on a food shopping spree,and buy a large amount of drugs,then lock yourself indoors for as long as possible,only venturing out when supplies run low?And only viewing the World through your TV screen?

I cheated on my boyfriend...?

You need to dump your boyfriend tell him things aren't working out because your just not right together. Don't tell him you cheated unless your going to work things out with him because it'll only cause him more heartache. You need to stop dating anyone until your ready to be completely faithful and have an adult relationship. Otherwise feelings are just bound to get hurt

College Student Depression: Seeking help for poor grades?

I kinda have that as well...I have a lack of motivation, but I usualyl jsut procrastinate really bad and do everything last minute. I've found that study groups help a lot since you can do work together, so you're held accountable for helping the others as well and getting thigns done and you can motivate eachother.

Can power surge change BIOS of a turned off computer?

I suspect that the power surge may have damaged your CMOS battery which could affect your settings in the CMOS setup. You need a UPS (uninterrupted power source) and I recommend an on-line model. There are many different types and models and the price between and on-line one and a good line interactive UPS is minimal to nothing so you might as well have the best protection possible. A simple surge protector will not protect you from things like a direct hit from lightning. An on-line UPS continuously monitors the AC power and protects you from everyday fluctuations in power. An On-Line UPS with a +/-2% output voltage regulation will protect you from all different types of power problems including, brown-outs, surges and other things. If the power goes out, it immediately switches to DC power and runs on the battery with no interruption in computer usage. You can choose to save what you are working on and shut down the computer or keep working for up to 4 or 5 hours with the On-Line model. Off-line UPS models give you around 20 minutes to save everything and shut down your equipment. You may not think that you need this type of protection for a home computer but one large surge in power such as a lightning strike can fry all of your stuff and continuous everyday power fluctuations can have bad long-term effects on your equipment too. I have provided a link below that will tell you about the different types of UPS models and it even has a tutorial provided to walk you through the details. Back to your original question I think that your hardware was damaged, probably your CMOS battery and yes to answer your question, buy an uninterpretable power supply. Make sure that it has enough ports to put everything through it, computers, printers, monitor and I know they used to come with a phone line input so if you have DSL make sure it has an input for that or if you have cable or satellite internet make sure there are inputs for that too. Hope this helps.

The incoming water pipe under my kitchen sink is leaking at the joint of the shut off valve how can I fix it?

== cut off the water == drain the pipe -- make new connections using the ""purple PVC pipe glue"" the dish wash machine has no bearing on the on/off pressure .. you may have higher pressure to the house than when it was built and that is a phone call to the city water dept .... you can get a pressure control for the house that will lower the PSI of the water and lessen the chance of this happening to another H2O`outlet in the house ....

What should i do about my life?

i am 11 and got bullied once when i was in elementary school by this kid calling me fat i didn't have any friends then now im in middle school i got bullied again this time was way worse and the bad thing is that i already had anxety problems and getting bullied made it horribly worse so know i take anxiety medication but i have still have tons of problems i only have one friend and he is a pvt i hate my school now i try to tell my parents i hate it there but they dont care i beg and get into fights with them every day to send me to a private school and icant go on like this i am so depressed every day and have no willingness to get out of bed every day

Why do Conservatives keep denying that an investigation is needed in the Yellowstone River Oil Spill so that?

the American People can know if that spill was the result of Exxon themselves -wanting to get back at the government for threatening to take away subsidies by despoiling one of our national parks and scaring up the price of oil on domestic exchanges by spawning fears of a supply disruption- or whether this was the work of a far-Right anti-Environmental fringe group?

Tips for getting a job?

Well you can only apply for stater bros. if they're hiring that day because they do app and interview on the same day (I work there) and when you start off at staters you're a courtesy clerk (bag, get baskets, do store sweeps, and some cleaning) and if you want to work late you have to tell the store manager

Believers, what do you think of this?

Dr David Hardman, principal lecturer in learning development at London Metropolitan University, said "It is very difficult to conduct true experiments that would explicate a causal relationship between IQ and religious belief. Nonetheless, there is evidence from other domains that higher levels of intelligence are associated with a greater ability - or perhaps willingness - to question and overturn strongly felt institutions."

Im looking the sheet music for the wedding hymn below i have been trying to get it for a few weeks now?

I can see your difficulty! The ONLY place I can find this published is in the "Church Hymnal" of the Church of Ireland (the Anglican church in Ireland), published in 1960 and now apparently out of print. Perhaps you can find a copy on ebay or in your local library. (You can find lots of copies of the OLD Church Hymnal, but this is not in there.)

In the Army, when a soldier is promoted does the unit have to provide the soldier with rank?

I was curious about this because my friend was told by his supply sergeant that he in turn had to purchase all the rank from the dress uniform to the his ACU's.

Separation - locks changed?

It is her residence not yours no matter whether you have any or all ownership. If you want to enter, knock.

I have these weird dreams that I'm getting married to this guy, and I've never seen him before?

Have you seen the movie, 50 first dates? If so, this is just like the scene in her art studio where she has seen him in her dreams but never knew who he was. If you have not seen the movie, then you should take this as a sign.

I am a terrible person! I need insights and opinions PLEASE!!!!!!!!!?

I have never cheated before in my life! Almost Two years ago, I broke up with a guy that I had been seeing for ten years. The last 5 years, he emotionally and physically abused me! For the past 7 months, I have been seeing this wonderful man! He is what most girls dream of. Very caring, respectful, and shows how much he loves me every chance he gets!!! I have never felt so connected with someone before. At times, I think he deserves better than me!! I think of him 24/7 and am saddened when we are not in each others arms. I love him with all of my heart!!!! Last week, I went out with some friends and got blitzed....very blitzed! ( I know that this is not a valid excuse) I remember going to the bar, but I don't remember leaving. I don't remember getting in a dude's car, but I remember making out with him....telling him no when he wanted to take it to the next level, then getting out of his car. I don't remember driving home, and my next memory was me waking up in my bed the next morning. It took me a while to put the pieces of the night back together....and have been crying ever since remembering that I made out with this random guy. I have no idea what is wrong with me!!! I never onced strayed when I was with the guy that treated me like total crap, but cheated on Mr. Wonderful! I so want to take that night back, but I know that I cannot! This just proves my point that he does indeed deserve better than me :-( Is something like this ever forgivable??? I already vowed to not drink when I am not around him...or drink to the extent I did that night! And the weird thing is...I am not a big drinker to begin with, and the blackout moments scared me enough to not want to get drunk again, especially that since I have no recollection of driving!!!! Nasty comments are welcomed....I deserve them!!!

I keep avoiding everyone, not because I don't want to talk to them, but because I get to anxious and nervous?

This does not sound silly. It is an illness. It is not something that will kill you, but something you will have to work through. You have really strong social anxiety. Some people are just born like that, others develop it during their youth or adolescence. The poi int is I think you should find a way to talk to your guardian or a doctor so you can get help, and feel more comfortable. Another suggestion is that you can practice what you will say to people before you do then rush up before you can change your mind. Good luck!

What man would vow celibacy if he didn't have to?

I was just thinking about this, I wonder who was (other than Jesus and he had a purpose for being celibate) the first man to vow celibacy and why did he do it? Any insights?

My husband says I use my pregnancy as?

a crutch??? He has not really been supportive much to these new changes I'm having. It's my first baby and he thinks I have been using it to my advantage. I have never been a user and he thinks the feelings I have are just to take advantage of situations. He has even seen with his own eyes how sick I was from week 6 to week 17. After the last argument I vowed that I would never ask him for anything. I feel I have no support.I'm so alone in this. I don't stay near my family. I'm hours away. What can I do? Sometimes this is hard by myself.

What school supplies should I get for next year..?

Ok, well basically I'm just about to start my GCSE's, we've already completed a few (i'm going into Year 10 - 9th grade) so what school supplies do you think I will need? If possible could you give me a long list and places to buy these items in the UK. Thank you so much in advance (:

Ideas on what to wear for our renewal of vows ceremony in Central park in December?

Me and my husband are renewing our vows in Central park towards the end of December and I really have my heart set on wearing a tea length 50's style strapless dress, with a large fur shawl to wrap around my top half. But I have a feeling I will still be cold, but think I might be able to handle it?!!? Would really appreciate any other fashionable suggestions that would fit in with the look I'm going for, or just any ideas on what to wear in general!! Thanks

Where can I get the supplies to make a paracord survival bracelet?

I want to make a paracord survival bracelet. What is the best place to get all the stuff I need to make one?

What should I upgrade to run GTA IV at Max Settings?

Well at that budget, you won't be able to get Max Settings. If you are going to buy anything, definitely a new graphics card. You can get a very good one for about 200. He's right, by the way. You can't just mix and match computer parts.

I really need relationship advice?

Ok so me and my fianc� are perfect for each other in every way we never ever get in any fights except for one thing anal sex. We have never had sex we are waiting till we are married because we don't want to mess up what we have and also because I made a vow to myself not to have sex till marriage so you know I'm already scared to death of having sex but then he brings this into the mix. I am absolutely against anal sex, I think it gross and disgusting, I believe the vagina was made for sex and the *** was made for you know to s**t. I told him I didn't want to but he told me that it hurt his feelings that I don't want to. He says that I should want to make him happy, and that if I don't do this he might consider not marrying me. I said well if you really loved me you wouldn't throw away everything away we have just because of this issue. I really want to marry him but I feel like he doesn't care about how I feel I am giving him my freaking virginity and I agreed to do other things that I was turned off too but he won't back down form this. I am scared to death of this, I've heard that it hurts really bad and that you might have a accident if you know what I mean I would just die and would never want to have sex again if that happened. What do I do??????? Please help. Is anal sex really bad?? I really need help and pls don't say I'm gross or be rude to me I am against it but I don't wanna lose my fianc� either. I don't know what to do. :'(

I'm planning on getting a sheltie and have a few questions!?

I own a 12 year old sheltie that I have had since he was a tiny pup. In my experience, shelties don't really chase stuff. We have a cat, a rabbit and a ferret and he is very peaceful with all of them. I've never had ducks or chickens, but generally herding dogs aren't bad about chasing down or hurting other animals. They may herd, but the just try to make the animals (or kids) go where they want them to go or stay off the road or whatever. I have heard some shelties are nippy, but my dog has never nipped at anyone or anything. We had small kids when our dog was a young adult and he was really good with them. Shelties do have a lot of coat and need regular brushing- once a day is good - at least a couple times a week is necessary. Some people get them shaved down for the summer, but I have never taken mine to be groomed- I just brush him and clip nails now and then. Shelties need a lot of exercise- I would not recommend one unless you have pretty good sized fenced yard and are willing to commit to walking or other regular exercise. Without enough exercise, they are going to be too hyper. They are a smart breed and easy to housebreak and train. Expenses vary depending on where you live but figure at least 3 vet visits for puppy shots. Honestly, you will spend a few to several hundred dollars the first year on the vet, plus food, toys, crate and bed, brush and nail clippers( teach him very young to get used to being brushed and having nails clipped). And that assumes no real problems. Dogs are expensive and you need credit or a little put back in case of unexpected emergencies.

HELP! is sallys beauty supply open on 4th of july?

i just tried to call them but its 8:35 and sunday. i am out of liquid gold. do they have liquid gold?

Atheists, why do you have so much faith in science?

I thought I'd use my laptop, which runs on electricity and has a battery to store it, make use of the display which is the result of thousands of different discoveries, make use of wi-fi technology to connect to the wireless router, and through it to a global network of hundreds of millions of computers, to post a message on a database which would be visible to people thousands of miles away, expressing bafflement at their willingness to have faith in science.

Why don't I like to play the guitar anymore?

At first I thought you might have been in a 'guitar rut', which is when you find you can't find any more amusement for playing, but I think it could be your depression. When I went through a depression nothing was fun anymore, and I usually loved guitar. For now, concentrate on getting better with your depression, and when it comes to an end, you'll have fun with the guitar again. I can tell you still want to lplay, otherwise you would not have asked this question, so just be patient.

We cuddled whole night but didn't have sex... anything might be wrong?

I have a boyfriend with whom we just recently started to have intimate relationship. We usually manage to meet up twice/thrice a week, so it seems like we would want to take advantage of that time. However, last time we met, he just asked me to lay with him in bed and we spent whole time like this - caressing, massaging, kissing, talking, laughing, everything in a very relaxed and cheerful way... but he didn't really show any willingness to go beyond that. Might this be a sign that he doesn't enjoy having sex with me? Or it happens with guys sometimes that you are just not in the mood to do things???? The reason i am asking is that he is my first man, which means i am not that experienced in bed, so i thought this might have put him away? This is the first time it happened, but i am not sure why, maybe it might have been better to ask him directly if anything was wrong? - -your feedback will be much appreciated!

Building Gaming PC - Need Help Picking Parts?

agreed very nice setup. its completely up to you but i would throw in another 2 gigs ram. i have never spent much on a keyboard or mouse. i usually just buy the cheap ones.

Dealing with eczema, family problems and life?

eczema is quite a serious skin condition, both of my brothers have it and they will scratch untill they bleed at times. You need to have a serious talk with your parents and need to get medical help for your skin problems. As for your other problems I strongly reccomend contacting a professional or�someone you trust to talk to, depression is no joke and you should seek help before it gets worse. I may not know you but I think every life is precious and that if you are unhappy you should try to fix that with the help of family and friends instead of keeping it to yourself.

Is this a good computer build?

You'll want to go way better on the graphics card. That GTX460 isn't bad, but you can do much better. Check out the GTX 560 Ti

Could a registered nurse hold their own when it comes to treating patients...?

Perhaps if the nurse was in a hostage situation with other people and the police are outside giving him/her permission. In most situations, a nurse would only be able to do whatever they have been trained to do, until an MD arrived.

In seven years I've never told anyone about my anxiety. Where do I start?

I can relate to what you are saying and i believe what you should do is open up and let the world see who you really are. I don't know why are you punishing yourself whether something happened or i don't know, but you gotta stop. You are wasting your life if you are not taking any opportunity you got at your hands. If teachers asks you a question raise your hand first, if friend invites you over say yes. If no one pays attention to you then make them, start talking to the people around you if you haven't done that yet, make them feel your presence. You have to be aware that everyone had gone through it only some people have done earlier than others. You have nothing to be afraid of, you are human being just as any of us are, if they can do it then you also do it. It's time for change don't sit there and wait for it, you are the change.

Which requires more responsibility and maturity having a baby or getting married?

Having a baby means you are keeping the baby and raising it to be a product member of society, and getting married means being faithful and not getting divorced (staying true to your marriage vows). Given these definitions, which require more responsibility and maturity?

Should a person, who has cheated you emotionally, given a chanse once again to improve himself ?

You can tell his wife if it makes you feel better, but she probably already knows he is a slime ball that preys on his students. Most wives do. You won't make him a better person. You need to concentrate on getting over this and finding a man that will cherish you for you!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Questions about Sophomore Year?

Wow you must wake up really early.just be really friendly and outgoing. Make friends with the upperclassmen. Keep your grades up and every year in high school counts so trust me do not slack off with your grades. And join a club or sport and get involved in your school.

What should i do about my marriage ?? so lost?

I need help.......i basicly moved alway from my hometown for my husband about 20 hours away .....not happy here nor r my kids ,no family i cant work cause of his work n no babysitter basicly have to ask him for everything n get bitched at in process n its only food im buying ,i made vows for better or worse but i cant take it anymore we have had a trouble realtionship in past n i feel if i leave i give up everthing i fought for but i dont know what im fighting for anymore or if it even worth it ,if i go home my old job that i loved is waiting for me so is my family n friends ,he says if i go bac were over cause he never wants to go bac again.........we gave everthing away we owned before we moved here n its been 4 months n we still have nothing n we r gonna lose more if i dont get bac to work.........what do i do ????

Beauty Supply store open 4th of July in California?

I live in the Los Angeles County and Orange county borderline. Anyone know of a beauty supply store that will be open on the 4th of July in the area? I need to buy some hair thread and braiding hair to weave hair. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Why Is It So Difficult For Most People To Make Money In MLM Or Network Marketing?

95-97% of people fail to make any sort of income yet alone sustainable income that they can live off of. They may have a few commissions here and there, but it’s few and far between and not even enough to pay for a pizza at the end of the month in most cases. In spite of the fact that these people break their asses, going above and beyond everything they’ve been told to do. They invest in training, advertising, lead programs and other products that have supposedly been designed to help them succeed. Over time their viewpoint goes from assuming success as an optimist to assuming failure as a pessimist. Being as how they’ve tried so many different things and invested so much time and effort only to end up not getting a return on that investment. Their goal is to make money and they end up losing more than they are making especially if they aren’t making anything. These people often become angry, bitter and resentful toward humanity in general for not enabling them to succeed and enjoy the good life they were promised they were going to be living when they got into the industry. They start to think friends, family members, neighbors, associates, community leaders etc are conspiring against them so that they don’t succeed and receive a “reality check” thus abandoning this “non sense” of pursuing financial independence and go back to “working a real job.” but for many of these aspiring network marketers that isn’t an option as “real jobs” are in short supply these days it’s more of a privilege to have a job in this economy than a given right like it used to be. Failure simply isn’t an option but for so many becomes a painful reality.

Explain a Virgo guy's actions...?

All I can say is that RUN , just RUN... he is not for you, I mean he is just not in to you, he has the typical virgo traits baby...he will play all the mind games and you will keep guessing. Your sign is very delicate as you are sensitive and emotional, you cant cope up with the typical traits of this virgo guy. I have seen virgo guys who are fun loving and funny but remember he is still a virgo. Don't waste your time for this guy he is not worth your time, devotion and energy.. RUN before he destroyes you completely. Find someone else better who will equally love you and will be devoted towards you..I was once with a virgo bf and have few virgo male friends (they are all the same) .. trust me they only love themselves and their mom.. You have no future with this guy because he will never commit and thats for sure. Leave him ..........good luck...:)

HELP! How do I know if I'm being smart and picky, or too picky and overly sensitive when it comes to guys?

Maybe a little. Let's be specific shall we? LCalling, texting - Maybe he's busy. Maybe he's more of an in-person guy. (I had a guy tell me he needed to see a beautiful face along with the beautiful voice<3) Affection - You can't have your hands no him all the time, because emaybe he' sjust not in the mood just like girls are smoetimes (sry damn phone) but it should be a regular thing with you two.O Smooth - That's actually a good sign ttha he likes you so much he n'tca seetom find his tongu e.B i It's adorab lesometimes. Try to help him relax but sye, he should watch what he says. Thtue ron (ignore the stupid letter jumbsle lg sucks tThe turn off is a pretty bad thingwh but you guys could try to wkor it out or mix up your routine. The friends are a big thing too that you neetod be considerate about. Blowing you off for a lat-.minute bar night is the slat straw (last *sigh*) but if his friendsla pnned it with him ahead of time and you're mad because you want him to blow them off for a date, you're being a jerk. He has a life outside of you. Look, not many girls seem to know this, but gsuy have just as many complaints abo utus with our friens or not texting and shuc, they just are actually decent enohug to usually not complain and givye ou space. IT's sounds crazy, but we're the ones that often think of only rouselves in the relationship and not csonider why this guy does the things hedoes. There's certain borderlines thaht e shouldn't cross which soi should be the ones you set, but remember, it's an us thing, not a me thing.

How does gay marriage ruin the sanctity of marriage but divorce doesn't?

I just don't really understand people's view on this. Like the hardcore religious people say how gay marriage ruins it's sanctity but isn't it worse to get married and then take it back later, so you're essentially lying to god in your vows right? can anyone let me know other people points of view on that? thanks

American's only please....Alabama, Texas,Oklahoma,Nebraska ...?

We have an elaborate relief system in our country; I'm in Oklahoma and yeah we had some tornado damage and deaths, one town was torn up a lot. Had a report on the progress down there, cleanup is moving along because we have a lot of volunteers that come in from all over the state to help out. I know several people who live in the town. What happened in Japan dwarfs the isolated disasters we experienced. Hundreds of miles of cities were decimated, everything gone.

What would you say if you received this email from a complete stranger?

It's a phis-hing scam. Or Con ! To get you to send her free money. You are a possible 7-10% of the law of averages [sales] of a 100,000 identical E-mails.

What is the name of this movie?

When I was young, I remember watching some Sci-Fi movie where there was a specific character who could not finish reading a certain novel. No matter how hard he tried, he was afraid to read the ending. It took place on a ship. Eventually, he replaced all of the ships supplies with copies of this book. I think the book may have been Moby Dick? Not sure.

Do you think roots growing out looks nasty on hair?

I dyed my bottom layer of hair blonde about 1 month ago and its growing out and i think it looks kinda nasty do u think it looks nasty when roots grow out? after all mines on the bottom layer you can hardly see it unless i grab it in a ponytail. I cant dye my hair all over to its original color because my mom wont let me. And i cant bleach my hair the roots again because i gotta use the money for school supplies. But i was wondering does it look nasty even tho u cnt see it unless i grab it? Will i make a fool of myself?

My question is about the LED connection through a resistor ?

Hi as I am a New bee here , I have an doubt on using a right specs of electronic components. My scenario is I'm using a TRICOLOR LED w.hich is 2v and 50mA in spec and I'm using a 12v power supply and my concern is about the resistor to be used. Now I use a 200 ohm resistor to rectify the voltage to 2v(as per the theoretical calculation) and LED is working fine. But the problem is with the resistor because after a while the resistor gets too hot and it even melts my insulating rubber. Is it the behavior of the resistor which is common or am I using a wrong spec of resistor for the above scenario. Pls If anyone can help me here can explain about this and give me. Solution...?

Can you use 7 of these terms to create a definition of economics?

Using trade and resources, such as money, to promote the use of services and the consumption of goods from society inorder to insure the wealth of the country

Should I buy this horse?

As a project horse? Definitely, she sounds really cool and challenging for an experienced handler (which it sounds like you are). Smart move not making her a kid's horse, and whether or not she'll ever be able to do anything along the lines of competing is pretty doubtful, but if you have the money to care for her, then why not? And you never know, she might end up shaping up into something great. I have a half-draft, and I completely love her, so maybe I'm a little biased. :)

Is this a good poem for mother's day?

This is the cutest poem I have read! Congratulations your mom will feel very proud of you she might even get happy tears I know I almost did.

Instead of the "Dream Act" why not the "Adoption Act"?

Very simple. The liberals want all the benefits but do not want to take responsibility or pay for these benefits. They want it on the backs of others. Makes you wonder who is going to pay for all this or will we become just another third world country.

How much do you spend on your rabbit's supplies for the first time you bought her/him ?

im going to buy a rabbit but i want to know how much is the average ,cuz i dont want to spend to much money on it ....dont worry ill take great care of it !!!!

What does it mean to end ethanol tax breaks?

Fine by me whether it's the GOP, the Democrats or plain old bipartisan. Now the next step should be eliminating ethanol from gasoline altogether. It's been found to actually reduce your vehicle's mpg and it's rather horrible for small engines and marine engines. Politics put ethanol in our gas and it's only right that politics take it out.

I might have a reason for you guys to watch Raw Tonight?

I was going to watch WWE anyway, but this thing about CM punk makes me wanna watch it less. CM Punk sucks!

How to explain my social anxiety to my parents, friends and anyone who does not understand?

after reading your post I think you need to sit down with your parents and have a talk with them ...I am a parent of 5 and 4 of them are boys ...ages 19 through 32 we are close enough to talk about anything ..parents are like that sure they will understand if you tell them your fears and maybe you should try to do what I do when i get fearful and full of anxiety.....PRAY !! and ask God to help you ..I used to walk in FEAR but since I asked the God to help me it is much better ..I hope you address this and talk to your parents you can feel like they care too ...that will help allot .

I know what to do, but I won't do it?

Take deep breaths, zanex, smoke pot, do something about that anxiety man. Medical marijuana definitely helped me. Now i'm a simple smile and nod kinda guy instead of an "oh **** what should i do if they see me" kinda guy. If she's a favorite teacher of yours she deserves your respect right? When you see her again, force a smile on your face and give her a quick wave, that's all you need to do.

Should I elope and break a promise I made to my dad?

Well my fiance and I have been engaged for three years. Two years ago (at the age of nine-teen) I moved with my fiance from California to Illinois and promised my dad I'd get married in California. I think he just didn't want me to "runaway and get married". The problem is I don't want anyone at my wedding ( i know i need a witness). I think it would be most romantic if it were just him and I exchanging vows. I know if I go to California all my friends and family would want to come and i don't even want just a few. I don't believe it was a fair promise to have to make. shouldn't i be able to get married anywhere in the world i chose? After all it is my day!!!???!?!?

Had a weird dream last night? try to interperet please?

Ok so first i had this dream where i was a superhero like person and i stopped a robbery. The whole world had no rules, there were people stealing and racing cars. Next i went to a hardware store and got supplies to start a walk to my school in the dark. I made friends with the people who worked there and was on my way. When i got to my school there was a big dance going on. I was really outgoing and moreso than in real life. I met up with these girls that were my friends in real life and they started grinding on me and trying to have sex. I turned them down and went over to try to talk to this girl (im good friends with but she turned me down to dating in real life), and she told me she didnt want to see me. What does this dream mean? im 17 btw

RHH: what would you do if biggie smalls smacked you're mom in the face?

first he starts flying at the movie theaters and he steals 2pacs macoroni and cheese then 2pacs like yo man not cool wooaaah. and biggie is like i vow to smack everyones mom in the face.. so then he starts flying but then he get's eatin by lil wayne but then eminem screams at lil wayne so lil wayne throws up and biggie is like yo busta you gonna get a cap popped in yo face nahhhmeaan. and then lil wayne dies and then you eat youre phone and get arrested and when youre in jail the police guy says you got one phone call so you call youre mom and she goe's, help me!!! biggie is smacking me in the face. then you are like woahhh... not cool so then you take your eyeballs out so you can smell them and when you do that you start freakin out and youre leges get numb and then you realise youre a girraffe the entire time!!!! the entire time you were a GIRRAFFE!!!!!!

Conservatives: if you're all self-appointed experts on currency valuations, then what long term impacts do you?

see for US manufacturers and the oil supply of recent appreciation in the value of the Chinese Yuan and the Indian Rupee versus the basket of currencies typically tracked by major investing indexes?

How soon should we renew our vows?

We had a small quick wedding... and when i say "small" i mean just a preacher in our church, bouquet, my very cheap dress and a small weekend honeymoon. Nothing else!! We want a real wedding, how soon do you think we should have one? Next year?

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Is "anytime" another way to say "you're welcome"?

I've come across this word many times, while reading a book or watching a movie. I was wondering, when used in a conversation does it imply willingness to help that person again on future occasions?

Why does the Internet give license to all to ask the most intimate of Qs of strangers and the willingness of?

There is a reason a psychiatrist has you lay on a couch then make himself invisible. Some even sit behind a curtain or turn out the lights. It is kinda like talking to yourself. Of course you trust the doc is not gonna do anything harmful with the info you divulge. The Internet is different, everything you type get saved some where. There are few quarantines of privacy. Personally I will not divulge personal information. I recommend others do the same.

A hard cap can't be the answer?

I don't think there should be a hard cap either. You didn't mention how you think it should be amended. It kinda sounds like your on the fence about this.

Im trying to make a video game montage?

for the intro, i want to add sfx noises like "crash" "bang" and "zap" when the textflashes in, is there websites that supply these?

Are you an "ideal democratic citizen"?

I'm neither. I'm a highly politically aware citizen who recognizes that democracy is just two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner, and that the United States was not designed to be a democracy.

Raptor fans, what do you think of this?

I have a question about hair extensions.....?

I was looking on the Sally beauty supply store website and I found 3 items in synthetic extensions, they were the Quick Clip 2 Straight Hairpiece which if u loom at the picture she's wearing a ponytail and the Taki Sybthetic Hair Pobytail....... My question is are these like u put your hair in a ponytail and add these around it and it makes your ponytail longer or are they saying u can wear then with a ponytail???? I really just want one that o cab wear to make my ponytail longer so if that's what they are great..... So if anyone knows what they are if they they do what I want them to do and yaaaa thanks for ur help

Psychopathic...please help!!?

Well what do u want to know? Your young and need to keep taking your medication, life will get better for you! Stay strong.

Can I use an electric blanket from the U.S. (120 V 60 Hz) with a Peru outlet (220 V 60 Hz) ?

It's a low-voltage blanket that includes two small power supply boxes that changes 120 volt AC home current into non-hazardous low voltage DC current.

Can someone, anyone! please help with my resume?

Just do what I did. Go to your Local Department of Labor, and they can make one for you. This way you know it will be correct. =)

Should I wait to get married to have the wedding of my dreams?

I have been in a relationship for over 3 years now, I got engaged last July so it's been almost a year. We decided to get maried Oct. 22, 2011. However, his dad got incarcerated a few months ago...My fiance decided he wanted to postpone the wedding until he was released, i said that was fine since he will be released in june of 2012....Come to find out june 2012 is his parole date and he could be denied and serve another year. I am 26 years old and want to be married before i have kids and i also don't want to be 40 with a 5 year old (no offense). We thought about getting married at the courthouse and then renewing our vows when his dad is released. I thought it would be easy but now i'm feeling very confused. I always wanted a big traditional wedding with all the works and now i'm thinking about saying I Do in front of a judge, not what i had in mind. I feel so lost because in a way I dont want to wait for his dad but I want this now. I also don't want regrets down the line. Should I wait until his dad is released and have the wedding of my dreams even though my clock is ticking or get married now? Please help me I dont know what to do...

Does anyone know when and where I can apply for Operation Back to School?

I live in Colorado Springs, CO and am not sure if the program is happening this year. Please any info on help with children's school supplies is greatly appreciated.

How do I recover from an Advance Fee Loan Scam, I still need money and even worse now!?

I would have thought you would have learned from previous experience. All your request is going to do is draw more scammers out of the woodwork. Your desperation and previous victimization only makes you a more attractive victim. If you don't want to be scammed again, you have to go to a bank or credit union and make an application, and accept "no" for an answer if you don't qualify. Anyone responding to your solicitation claiming to be a 'legitimate lender' is not going to be one.

Investors with short investment horizons, and low ability but high willingness to take risks, should invest a?

true or false?Investors with short investment horizons, and low ability but high willingness to take risks, should invest a larger proportion of their wealth in emerging equity markets (such as BRIC).

What do I need to do in this situation?

My wife and I have been married for coming up on 2 years. I myself have always been a very negative person and have always looked at the bad or wrong in something. I have been working hard to change my outlooks and it has been making a very positive change to my life. One of the biggest problems my wife and I have been having over the years before marriage and after is her and guy friends. I guess with my negative thinking I was always looking at these guys as wanting to take her from me. So over the years she has gotten so that she keeps a lot of stuff from me so that I do not fuss or get mad. The most recent is that a guy that is a regular at the bar at which she works on weekends have become friends to where they talk on the phone a few times a week. Now my wife is 23 and this guy is 40. I try to look at the age as a sign that there is nothing there but lets face it age means nothing in this day and time. He is also very good looking and sucessful. Now my wife told me they have been talking openly which I really respected and it made me feel good but in my opinion she is a married woman and does not need that type of relationship with a man who is nearly twice her age. How should I talk to her about this without hurting her willingness to be open to me?

Should the Dodgers move to Brooklyn?

I think they should stay. I know this might sound stupid, but from a New England standpoint,New York will Get over-crowded with professional sports teams. Let's see we have, Yankees, Mets, Jets, Giants, Bills, Islanders, Rangers, Knicks and the Nets are pretty close to New York. I'm sure California has that many sports teams too, but Cali is a big state. New York is big too, but not big enough.

Marriage has failed. Now what? I believe marriage has failed and never worked anyway .......?

Divorce rates skyrocketing when no fault divorce was invented is proof marriage was a social construct. You are completely right, and I agree with you.

My computer won't start?

When I turn it on the screen just remains black and nothing happens. I recently changed the power supply for a 650 watt one. also, I have an asus motherboard. Sometimes it does boot, but freezes short after.

Who is right in this kind of situation?

my boyfriend offered me a beautiful necklace. i was very angry at the time and we almost broke up. my first reaction was to through it at him. a few days later, after regaining my sanity, I asked him for my gift and got it back. few months later, he gave me an engagement ring. the meaning and importance of this ring disappeared after a series of issues and I decided to give it back. I was sure of what I felt, but was concerned about what he felt. I thought that giving the ring back would give him the chance to renew his vows and be sure of what he wanted. the day I left the ring, I accidentally left the necklace. I was so frustrated that I forgot it was broken. after too many blind attempts to put it on, I dropped it next to the ring. he finally went away with both. up to this day, I hasn't given the ring back. I asked for the necklace many times. He finally told me that he threw it away. now, am I crazy to say that he has done the worst thing ever? or is he right to have thought that I didn't want it anymore and proved that the significance of that piece of metal was of no value to me, thus, had the right to throw it away?? if I wanted to throw it away I could have done it myself! I'm so angry! and when I say that the act is extremely significant, he tells me I should have thought it over before acting a fool! Is it me or is it that this man of mine just doesn't understand me and doesn't realize what he has just done! or is it that as old as he is, 39, he still doesn't understand how women function?

A question for my brothers and sisters in Christ?

Does it say in any of the Gospels that Jesus drank wine at any point like at the Last Supper or when He turned water into wine? Because, Jesus the Christ of Nazareth is portrayed with having really long hair on both his face and scalp like he has taken the Nazarite vow. However, a part of the Nazarite vow is abstaining from fermented drinks like wine so if it says in any of the Gospels that He drank wine, He did not take the Nazarite vow and may have actually had short hair.

I need help writing vows...?

I'm writing my wedding vows and I'm have a hard time getting them started. Me and my fiancee started out best friends and we fell for each other. I wanna mention how we were friends and now we're more than that but I don't know how to start it.

How do I get this out of my mind?

Oh no, you werent disrespectful at all. When you think of disrespectful, you think of those students who constantly insert profanity into their sentences, talk over others, fail to listen, are tardy, shows a general lack of respect for others and their time, or act as tho they are entitled to something, thus, woudlnt consider showing gratitude to anyone. This cuoldnt be more NOT YOU, right. Trust me, your TA has encountered many people, all ages, all walks of life, all different "socially" - no worries. Your behavior was probably quickly identified as being exactly what it really is, just a part of you that has not had an opportunity to become one of your strengths - simply due to lack of practice. Believe me, thats all. I was a lot like you when I was younger, but I really came into my own later on. You would NEVER know it now. As it turns out, I think i always felt "different" than my classmates as I was younger, like they werent on the same level as me. Im not saying Im some intellectual giant, nothing like that, but as far as maturity level went, I didnt feel "in-sync" with my classmates, which oddly made ME feel weird, when really I was the more "enlightened" one. Well, it all panned out. Once you leave "school" and filter into the "real world", youll find yourself surrounded by so many people, each with their own personality, some youll connect to immediately (different than anything youve ever felt before), and alas...youre "cured". Before long, public speaking, no biggie. Social engagements - youre working the room like a shining star. Oh yes, all this will be yours. In the meantime, PLEASE do not feel that your "shyness" is in anyway ensuring that you are "socially awkward" or that it will plague you, hold you back, forever. No worries. Focus, in these years, on improving yourself, your mind, etc. and working on self actualization, and before you know it, youll be sharing your life, openly, with many like-minded people. And rather than feeling intimidated or drained by that interaction, you can finally experience being energized by these casual, or intimate, relationships. Yay!! Good things ahead. Moving on, LOVE the letter, I think it will be VERY MUCH appreciated. Ive worked as a teacher for many years, and what it taught me is that the simple things mean soooo much - bc, teachers (and the like) are in it the for work itself, in it to make a difference in ONE students life, in it bc its our passion and we couldnt imagine not lending ourselves to others in this way. That said, its thankless, and the pay sucks. Why would anyone do it - for the reasons Ive mentioned. When I was in the classrooms, I KNEW I wasnt reaching everyone, but I wasnt there for them. I was there for the one, such as yourself, who broke away from the pack, sought and accepted my help, made me feel valuable and appreciated - trust me, thats why your TA is in it as well, and your letter will be worth a million dollars. That thank you may be what pulls him/her outta bed next time he/she is frustrated with the work, as a whole. Ya know what, ever since that time in my life (I ended up in a different direction), I am hyper-aware of the people in my life, service providers especially, whom I would normally have taken for granted. For this reason, the surgeon who treated me with respect when he removed my gall bladder, called to follow up, and sent me an email with pics of MY organs (omg!! awesome!!), which he certainly wasnt required to do - you betcha I went out of my way to thank him. I sent a formal card...which...I saw on his desk ONE YEAR LATER when I went an appt regarding another health issue. Wow. I did it as a matter of who I am, and what I believe, but I was amazed at how much it must have meant to him. I made mention of it, and he said, and Ill never forget, "Of course I kept it, read it all the time too. We dont get many of these you know...". WOW, thats all I can say!!! For many years, Ive been personally thanking, in one way or another, the people in my lief who have had a positive effect. Your TA will LOVE this. And lastly, DO NOT feel bad about anything, you ARE right about one thing, they LIT UP when you came for help, bc thats how they are wired - they were really happy to help you!! And the personal thank you is the cherry on top. Youre very sweet - dont be so hard on yourself, k :O)

Has anyone ever done a fun, random vow renewal?

Why? You're married, so just like you can't get a marriage license, you can't have a wedding. Sure, go through the motions if it gets your rocks off but the only vows that will ever mean anything are the ones you made on your wedding day. Beyond me why a married woman would want to play the role of bride, just move on already.

What to get for the girl who has everything?

People keep asking me what I want for my birthday. I'm turning 19, I don't drink, I have game consoles, a camera, a phone, all the art supplies I could ever need, and most of the books I've been wanting. What do I tell them? I don't like trinkets or decorative things, but they want to give me objects and not money, what do I say?

At&t Cellular Re-Supply?

My cell is good for an upgrade but the phone im looking at, the Sony Ericsson XPeria (TM) X10, is temporarily out of stock. When does at&t usually get a re-shipment of phones for all the ones that are out of stock?

Why did Snape agree to the unbreakable vow?

It's like he was asking to kill himself. When I saw that in the movie I was like a mom and was like NO SNAPE! Lol.

Breastfeeding... Supply question?

I have a month old baby girl n hav t go back to work tonight, if I don't pump or nurse for 7 hours, what will it do to my milk supply? I really want t keep breastfeeding while working, and although everyone at work is very supportive, there's nowhere private for me to go and pump. And using the bathroom is not an option, it's pretty awful in there... I'm afraid when I get home and feed her, she won't have any milk :-(

Your opinion on using used items/supplies for your dog?

I work at a thrift store(Unique thrift store) and we have TONS of used dog/cat stuff. I honestly think its just a bit gross to use some used pet items, but that's just me and my mom is a germ freak and she says its unsafe so we never do(though I have nothing against it, its just weird to me). Most of the stuff is usually bowls, crates/carriers and sometimes shampoo and clothes. What is your opinion on buying used stuff for your dogs? What is ok and not ok to buy that is used? Is it unsafe?

Can you believe that I actually found a Republican that I respect, and his name is Jon Huntsman?

I agree with you, which is probably why the rest of the republicans won't pick him. Huntsman make them look really, really bad.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

I am a US green card holder, had a DWI Dec 2006. Planning travel to Canada.?

You need to get cleared first. I have seen Canada turn people around for lesser crimes that were older.

Are any of these gaming computers good?

um. You didn't post what graphics cards they have, so i cant really tell you if they are good or not.

Anyone sick of the Astros?

Ive been an Astros fan for 15 years but now i am just tired of this crappy team,thinking about changing teams and vowing never to change again, what are your views on the Astros?

Hows the weather outside the wicket gate?

Isent it an un-nessasary Frustration and misery? Isent it realy self evident that the Lord and Savior is preferable among ALL the husks and mire and people of this world? IT IS. Isent it also self evident that Marveling and trying to reason out the Verily, Verily's, of Jesus Christ, And the working of the holy spirit with our bite size brains....Isent this an un-nessasary and self evident vanity? IT IS. For isent it also self evident that you cling knowingly to mere earthly waywardness and shadows such as these....Husks, Mire, People, Slavery, Pleasure, Bitterness, Blame, Self, and Marveling.....When all along the Pearl OF Great Price Is manifest unto You? Therefore Surrender...Surrender to the firm resolution of Heart, and the Willingness that is probly already at work in your soul. except your reality....That this is all thats before you and nothing else behind you. That faith is All that you have. For whosoever Will let him come unto me and Ill in nowise cast him out says the LORD. Theres no excuse

Marriage is holy, so if you promise yourself to someone via marriage you shouldn't love another? DEBATE.?

I'm not into sharing. If someone is with me, they better be with me. If they wanna have threesomes and stuff, then I'm not going to be a part of it. Some think it spices up their marriage, but I believe that if you need to look elsewhere for thrills then you shouldn't be committed in any way.

Are you raising you children in the dark? Are you afraid of the consequences?

Not at all!! You are a great parent for lettin your child know the truth! As long as you are also letting her know if the things you are explaing to her are right or wrong. Also about using Her knowledge during puberty she will have a lesser chance becasue she will not want to experiment simply because she has already known about the stuff and the kids that normally experiment are the ones that had never heard of the stuff before and want to try it wether it's sex drugs cheating on test anything so your parenting is very very smart and safe!! Wether she wants to listen to you is HER choice once she hits puberty.

Is the site ever coming back online?

One of the most fascinating sites on the web has been down for over a year now without any sign of ever coming back. Granted, it was controversial to American women but the foreign girls that I mentioned it to got a kick out of it and thought it was dead-on accurate with its depiction of American women. It was one of those rare gems on the web: a site with hard hitting facts about American women and their bizarre obsession with marriage. It told it how it is: American women have a huge sense of entitlement and manipulate their way into marriage by making things as nice as possible for their intended, but once the wedding vows take place, the "fun" is over - sometimes very abruptly. Isn't that the truth! That site even inspired me to break off the engagement with my soon to be wife in 2007. A real life-saver. So whatever happened to the site and why was it taken down?

How to help my troubled rottweiler?

so my parents bought me a rottweiler puppy last august from a breeder who was not good, he was the only pup to survive and hes so playful and energetic still,its been almost a year now and hes still bad he doesnt bite but he likes to lick jump and break things now both of my parents and my sister want to get rid of him but the wont because of my strong love and willingness to help the dog so if anyone has had problems like this could you please help

If I show this to a psychologist, what would they probably tell me?

Your problem may just be low self esteem. He/she a psychologist or a therapist can help you build your self esteem. You really should send the email it is excellent and she deserves it. After you have sent it and she reads it she will probably thank you for the email. That should open up communication with her or even make you feel good enough to say hi to her whenever you see her.

In need of a good power supply?

Im buying a MSI radeon 5770 and i need a good power supply, any brands and watts i should be looking for? thanks.

Please help with this power factor correction..kindly explain?

A transformer rated at a maximum of 25kVA supplies a 12-kW load at power factor 0.60 lagging. What percent of the transformer rating does this load represent? How many kW in additional load may be added at unity power factor before the transformer exceeds its rated kVA?

What should be the penance for this guilt?

i hurt my father, very much by shouting and arguing with him.... i had been doing this for years, my father is very hurt, i have taken a vow not to get angry again, but no other girl in the world hurts her father like i do....i love my parents especially my father very much, but i dont know whther i took more freedom with them or whther they gave me enough freedom ...i hurt him to the point that he cried.

Authors or books similar to Chuck Palahniuk?

I love Palahniuk's twisted fiction and willingness to push the limits of what makes the reader comfortable in every way, while still maintaining great stories. Any suggestions on similar books or authors? Thanks!

I have $1000 saved up for college. What should I spend it on?

What's wrong with saving it? You'll spend money throughout the semester, so it's nice not having to worry about whether or not you can afford to go out to dinner with your friends.

How to stop stepkids and husband from sucking the life out of me.?

Ive raised my step kids since they were 3&7,now 10&14.I have shared guardianship papers with court.I provided for them,rearranged work schedule,doctors,school etc.Provided and loved as my own.We have them every other week,sometimes weeks at a time.Most of my pay went to them.I became extremely ill last year from rare disorder and had to retire early. I have a 21 yr old and my spouse have a 2 yr old.Im expected to clean,,cook and care for the children when they are here, father is sleeping, works nights, that's fine.They are a joy,we had fun,but when they were not allowed to get their way(safety reasons, money, or i was sick)i was treated awful.Now, they don't listen, they yell at me,or cause my daughter harm,or yell and fight each other, i try to stop it,they wake their dad up & start making up stuff &wine to their dad, he starts calling me names, yelling at me.I hate to even say this, it hurts.They've lied on me to get their way with the other parents,played one against the other taught my 2 yr old curse words,hit her a few times, yell at her for crying, when i say something or try to give them a time out, they wake their dad up saying a bunch of lies then all three of them starts yelling at me!Ive went without food ,baths,basic Hygiene stuff because their dad gives them everything they want and himself what he wants most of the time,when they get something they just toss it, in meantime im doing without some of my medications, doctors visits. husband will only do things with kids. i medically cannot drive but im not dead and still young, i do what i can, I feel used by them,ive given money to their mom to help her out with so many things,(a christian southern gal) just because i thought it was the right thing to do..I keep giving into my husbands demands but i think dog pee is treated better than this.I believe in my vows, want to continue to love and cherish my family, but im getting a bad taste in my mouth now and beginning to get fed up with being expected to be someones maid while everyone tears up our home, treats me badly, oh yes, spouse even throws items of mine away without asking, important expensive stuff of mine , he doesn't even care when i say something. Ive talked, cried pleated begged tried to change everything i do, but the only thing that's changed is that im not the smiling, happy, girl anymore.I love them, but its affecting my health so bad and preventing me from doing things with the 2 yr old that i want to be doing.We've went to dinner twice since our honeymoon in 2007, hes had an affair in 2008and put us in bankruptcy. He isn't having an affair now,but maybe hes cloned me into a pushover and broke my spine. When i talk with him about it and make suggestions or let him make suggestions he tells m e everything is my fault and none of them do anything wrong. He left me unconscious twice on the floor few years ago , mom ended up getting me.Kind of scary.But he had an excuse or made it sound like i didn't know what i was talking about that he had to quickly care for the 2 yr old, i vaguely remember trying to crawl on porch and pressing my alarm button, that's when my mom came and i ended up in hospital for a few weeks. Now what. Please no negative comments unless its constructive criticism.I feel bad enough about speaking this loudly, this is my first time ever. Thanks,

Why do conservatives assume that everyone aligned with the GOP is without an education?

If we didn't see so many self-proclaimed "conservatives" claiming that education ruins people we probably wouldn't think it was universal. The issues is that trolls who are intended to make it appear that the tea party has much more support than they do have the unintended consequence of making conservatives appear far more uneducated than probably they are. ∠°)

What is the cheapest way to get a large group CPR/AED/First Aid certified in Northern VA/DC area?

Looking to certify about 50-100 people in CPR/AED/First Aid in Northern VA. Would it be cheaper to have someone come to us or have one of our managers be certified as an instructor & purchase all of the supplies/equipment for instruction?

Why don’t ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS and PMSNBC report crimes like this?

Your answer lies within your first two posters , leftists always hide the truth and defend the lie , without fail they do , its how the left rolls

Is growing apart a good reason for divorce, is it that simple?

Marriage is a roller coaster, and often times, more likely than not, people do grow apart. My parents after 28 years of marriage are getting divorced. I think its just the stress in life that makes this happen. People have kids and raise them together then all of a sudden when them kids are grown up and moved on the couple is left thinking, what do I do now? They suddenly realize that they have nothing in common anymore. It is sad but very true, You get used to one another then you start to think wow there is so much that we have in common then you realize how much you do not have in common. Marriage is one of the hardest things to conquer and very few are successful nowadays. Its so sad that is happens, but sometimes I guess its what best. I hope that helped you!

I dont want to have sex with my boyfriend, but its getting to that point?

Okay, first off-just because you're 17 doesn't mean it won't last beyond high school. Another thing, if you cheated on him, then he has the right to know with who. So tell him that you need to talk to him about something very serious because he deserves to know and you want to be honest. Just tell him everything, who you did it with and what all happened. You shouldn't have sex with someone just because you feel like you owe it to them, sex should be saved for when you really love someone. If the person you're with cares about you they'll understand. If someone ever tries to force you into it or pressure you, leave them because they're not worth it and there's lots of nice guys out there who will want more than just sex. I'm not going to lie, your boyfriend could end up breaking up with you and if he does, you'll have to respect why he did it. Oh, and if you feel like things are heating up too fast, let the person you're with know that and tell them you want to slow it down or that you're okay with certain things but don't want it to lead to sex because you want to wait for that. So just let your boyfriend know, okay? I know it'll be hard and scary for you but he deserves to know the truth, it's the right thing to do. If he did something like that to you, you'd most likely want to know about it. Cheating is a horrible thing, don't do it again-learn from your mistake.

How to help two elderly recent raw converts increase jaw strength?

My cats ate kibble and canned food for 15 years and I switched them recently to raw organic grain-free with just small amounts of Wysong Uretic because if Tigger doesn't have it she will absolutely get a UTI. They can eat it, but for example right now it's lamb stew meat on the menu for them and the meat has to be cut into tiny chunks about as big as a pea for Tigger and slightly bigger for Tabitha. The willingness is there-Tabitha will eat huge chunks when it's ground, but their jaw strength is just dismal. Their teeth actually aren't bad and they are generally healthy, strong cats, but you can't expect 15 years of commercial chow not to do some damage. That's something I'll always have to live with I suppose, but I'm trying to help them as best I can. On the bright side, I can already see an amazing difference in them!

Things to pack while traveling alone internationally as a minor?

Hey. I am planning to go to England sometime this august and need a nice list of things to take, and how to keep organized. How to pack light and what to take on board... Electronics, books, etc. Also what will a airline supply me with... What will I have to pay for on the plane? It is about a thirteen hour flight. I am thirteen and I am going to visit some cousins for two weeks. Thanks for the answers and sorry for all the questions. I am really excited and want to be REALLY prepared. I have a passport and everything and also what should I do about cash. Should I take a credit card? My parents would be fine with that. I'm responsible haha. Yea. And also I have no idea about the weather there... My parents are researching about this stuff with me but their slow.... Thanks!

How do you know if ur heat protectant works?

And what is a good heat protectant for hair? Im looking for a drugstore one...or one from Sally Beauty Supply:) thanks

Assignment : does true courage always require putting something that is very important to us at risk?

I think true courage is to stand up for what you believe in, even when all odds are against you. It's about being yourself and not changing who you are to please others. True courage is when you do something even though you are scared, you still fight and try your best, even if you do not want to.

Can I be forced to go back to school by my boss?

I work at a community college and my boss has been asking that I go back to school to get my bachelors degree. I dont need this degree for my job since it only requires a high school diploma. She is very nice in wanting to make it easy for me to go back to school but I am not interested in going back. I would like some advice as to how to let her know that I am not interested in going back and that I appreciate her willingness to help me. I dont want to hurt her feelings or have her fire me for not doing so.

Any suggestion for getting a mother to sign over her rights to a child?

I can tell you know, you're not going to get that child- I virtually guarantee there's no point in trying. Your husband will still have to take a paternity test, and he will have to pay child support. It's up to you if you want to continue your marriage- but ultimately, if he had sex with someone before you, and was told it wasn't his child... He wasn't unfaithful, just very, very stupid.

How do I trust God again?

I grew up in a good home, both of my parents are still together, i was an only child, and no major catastrophe's happened to me as a child. When i was in the eighth grade, my christian friends pushed me away, and my other friends began to experiment with drugs and alcohol. I didn't get involved. Until ninth grade, i got so lonely and depressed because i didn't fit in, i cut myself. Two girls from church found out and made me tell my mom. She didn't care, though. She just told me it was stupid, and never said anything else about it. This was around November. I held strong until February, when i got involved with a senior. He was too forceful and rough, and controlling. I'd rather not go into what happened, he never hurt me or anything though. I broke up with him, but that guilty feeling along with the fear of him never went away. I started telling lies, to try to get people to care and understand that I was hurting. Nobody did though. So the lies got worse. I got involved in drinking, and drifted farther away from God. By summer, they were outrageous. It was unbelievable, and i felt so guilty about it. I went to a christian summer camp, and vowed to change my ways. I did, for a couple of months. Tenth grade came, i started failing all my classes. I quit caring. I cut again. I drank again. The lies started again. I knew it was wrong. I just couldn't resist. Nobody from church could help me, i was embarrassed to admit what i was going through. I was scared that I'd get put into a mental asylum for cutting. I couldn't bare to look into my parents eyes, because they saw their wonderful daughter of whom they were so proud. But all I saw was a failure. January, i finally told the truth about all the lies. I figured, if I'm honest, maybe, just maybe, I'll be forgiven. It'll be okay. So I told the truth to the friends who I had lied to. I cried all night that night, I cut again. I didn't see any way out of this mess. I felt like i was at rock bottom. I was considering suicide that night, because I felt so alone. I turned away from God. My friend knew i was falling apart, and despite the fact that I had lied to him for months, made me promise not to kill myself. I did. After that night, I didn't hear from him for about six months. Then, this summer, i stole tequila from my cousin. I had it hidden in my room, and didn't drink it. I went back to this same summer camp, and actually got it. I made amends with my friend who i had lied to. I got closer with my friends from church, and made some real christian connections. My friend insisted I tell a minister or a minister's wife about what I had done, but I can't bring myself to do it. I don't trust adults after my mom didn't care when I had cut, and I don't trust God. I don't like to admit that, and I want that to change, but I don't know how. Someone, please, help me? And don't say "This is a stupid situation, just do it" or "why would you consider suicide or cut yourself". I already feel guilty enough. I know i was in the wrong, and I'm trying to change my life from this. I poured out the alcohol, and told my cousin i took it. I'm only sixteen, and I don't know where to go from here. Any tips?